Fill out the “See If You Qualify” questionnaire and click on the “Instant Results” button to find out if you are eligible for EEZEE Choice Protection & Benefits. If EEZEE Choice is not yet available in your county or you are not yet 18 years of age you’ll have the option to be notified when EEZEE Choice has come to your area and/or you do become eligible.
Create your EEZEE Choice Protection & Benefits account by completing Step 1 of the enrollment process. Make sure to fill all “required” fields and use the “Click Here To Select Your Plan” button to continue to Step 2 of the enrollment process.
In Step 2 of the EEZEE Choice enrollment process you will select your Protection & Benefits plan among Bronze, Silver or Gold tiers. Then you will choose between the easy Month-to-Month payment schedule or the money-saving Annual option. Once all “required” fields are filled, click the “Confirm Your Plan Options” button to submit your preferences and complete the enrollment process.
Congratulations, you are now an EEZEE Choice Participant and your coverage begins once your application and enrollment fee ($75†) is received. There are no further payments for the first 3 months of coverage.* If you are a civil service employee you can now “opt-out” of your union obligations.
EEZEE Choice has partnered with established law firms to assist you in formally notifying your union and government employer of your decision to stop paying dues. EEZEE Choice has created the EZC-NYS-OOA online authorization form (available here) to make this constitutionally protected process simple. You may fill in the ID Information section online or, once you’ve printed your form out, by hand. Initial the appropriate authorization(s) and have your signature on the form notarized. Send the completed form to EEZEE Choice by mail, fax or secure internet transfer. The legally required notifications will be submitted by an EEZEE Choice affiliated attorney, ending your payroll dues deductions. There is no requirement to opt-out of your union to subscribe to EEZEE Choice Protection and Benefits plans but if you choose to do so see “Stop My Dues FAQs” for more information on this important step.
The EEZEE Choice Ambassador Affiliate Program lets you earn money for each newly enrolled participant you refer through this program. There is no limit to your earnings and you decide when to introduce EEZEE Choice to your coworkers, friends and family. Find out more about how you can become an EEZEE Choice Ambassador here.
† The $75 fee covering the 3 month enrollment period is the same for all plan tiers.
*The Annual Payment Schedule begins at the end of your enrollment period and provides you with an additional 12 months of coverage at over a 16% discount over the monthly payment option. The Monthly Payment Schedule also begins at the end of the enrollment period. Both plans auto-renew at the end of their term for your convenience and uninterrupted coverage. Please refer to the Terms & Policies section of this website for more details.
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Mailing Address: 299 Broadway, Suite 1602, New York, NY 10007 — Email: [email protected]